
Did you know?

Based on polling conducted by People4Utah, we have found that 69.9% of active voters would be in favor of a top two open primary.

+/-3% margin of error

We’re Working For You

We host programs to help Utahns get involved in local, state, and federal government. We are always looking volunteers to facilitate listening labs, webinars, and legislative advocacy to reform the state’s election process for greater inclusivity.
Through these efforts, We aim to ensure every voter in Utah has an equal opportunity to participate in shaping the state’s future.


Our Programs

Listening Labs

Listening labs are intimate gatherings where neighbors and friends come together for open conversations, discussing how the current political system is influencing and effecting the lives of Utah residents.


Our webinars are aimed at empowering and educating individuals about effective ways to engage in local, state, and federal politics, fostering a sense of active participation and informed decision-making within the community.

Legislative Advocacy

People for Utah actively champions the reform of electoral practices in the state, ensuring that the voices and concerns of Utahns are heard by legislators, thereby fostering more transparent and inclusive elections for the community.

Join The Movement