Can I Switch My Party Affiliation Before the 2024 Primary Election?


As the 2024 primary elections approach, you might be wondering if you can switch your party affiliation. The primary elections on March 5th and June 25th are crucial for political parties to narrow their field of candidates and select their nominees for the November General Election. Here’s what you need to know about changing your party affiliation before these important dates.

Key Deadlines for Changing Party Affiliation

If you’re already a member of a political party and wish to switch to a different party, you must do so by January 9, 2024. Any changes made after this deadline will not take effect until after the June primary election. However, if you are currently unaffiliated with any party, you can affiliate with a party even after January 9 to participate in the primaries.

Participating Parties in the June 25 Primary

Only the Democratic and Republican parties are participating in the June 25 primary election. Other parties have already selected their candidates for the General Election. Consequently, only voters affiliated with the Democratic or Republican parties, or those who have requested a Democratic ballot, will receive a ballot for the June 25 election. For more information, click here.

Actions to Take Based on Your Current Affiliation Status

If You Are Currently a Member of a Political Party:

  1. To vote in your party’s primary: Do nothing. A ballot will be mailed to you if there is a primary for your precinct.  
  2. To vote in a different party’s closed primary: Affiliate with the party by January 9th 2024 to receive a mail-in ballot.  
  3. To vote in an open primary: Request an open primary ballot.

If You Are Currently a Member of a Political Party:

  1. To vote in a closed primary: Affiliate with a party by February 23rd (for the Presidential Primary) or June 14 (for the regular primary) to receive a mail-in ballot.
  2. To vote in an open primary: Either affiliate with the party before the deadlines or request an open party ballot. You can also affiliate at an in-person Vote Center after these dates and vote a partisan ballot.

If You Are Not Registered to Vote

  1. Register to Vote by February 23 (for the Presidential Primary) or June 14 (for the regular Primary). You can affiliate with a party to receive a primary ballot or remain unaffiliated and request an open primary ballot.

Understanding Open vs. Closed Primaries

– Open Primaries: Any voter, regardless of party affiliation, can participate.

– Closed Primaries: Only registered members of the party can vote.

Here’s a quick look at which parties are open or closed:

Open Primary (any voter can participate):

– Democratic Party

– Independent American Party

– United Utah Party

– Utah Forward Party

– Green Party

Closed Primary (only party members can participate):

– Republican Party

– Libertarian Party

– Constitution Party

– No Labels Party


What is the deadline to join a political party?

If you are currently affiliated with a party, the deadline to switch is January 9, 2024. Unaffiliated voters can join a party anytime before the March or June primary elections to participate.

What if I don't want to join a party?

You are not required to join a party. Unaffiliated voters can request ballots for open primaries and vote in non-partisan primaries, such as local school board elections.

Switching your party affiliation before the primary elections is a straightforward process, but it’s important to adhere to the deadlines. Whether you want to change parties or join one for the first time, make sure to act by January 9, 2024, if you are currently affiliated, or before the respective primary deadlines if you are unaffiliated. This ensures your voice is heard in selecting the candidates for the November General Election.

For more details, check your current party affiliation and view party contact information to get started.

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